Barbie Inspiring Women Series Rosa Parks Collectible Doll, Wearing Fashion and Accessories, with Doll Stand and Certificate of Authenticity


Sale price$218

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  • The Inspiring Women Series pays tribute to incredible heroines of their time, courageous women who paved the way for generations of girls to dream bigger than ever before.
  • On December 1, 1955, when Rosa Parks refused an order to give up her seat to a white passenger and move to the back of the bus, her act of defiance became the catalyst for the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
  • Hailed as 'the Mother of the Modern Civil Rights Movement,' Rosa Parks earned worldwide recognition and numerous awards including the prestigious Presidential Medal of Freedom and Congressional Gold Medal of Honor.
  • This Inspiring Women Series Barbie doll is sculpted to Rosa Parks' likeness and is fully articulated for endless posing possibilities.
  • Rosa Parks Barbie doll wears a floral dress under a smart wool coat. Included are glasses, gloves, a pillbox hat and clutch accessories.
  • Includes doll stand, Certificate of Authenticity and doll wearing fashion and accessories.

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